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About our organization

Board of Directors
Directiva de FUNDOARCU

FUNDOARCU is a non-profit institution created to highlight the values ​​of the Dominican heritage. The foundation carries out a direct management in the promotion of the art and the culture in the community. We establish programs to motivate youth to integrate into community services, education, cultural leadership and recreation.


Alexandra Valdez Presidente
Denisse Peña Vicepresidente
Bienvenida Feliz Directora
Nilsen Pepen Coordinador de Organización
---------- Tesorera
Kirsys Fernandez Secretaria Administrativo
Skarlett Abreu Coordinadora de Eventos
Denisha Peña Coordinadora de Educación
Angelina Rodriguez Coordinadora de Arte y Cultura
---------- Coordinador de Deportes, Juventud y Niñez
Cesar Agomas Coordinador de Salud Y Adultos Mayores
Juan Carlos Grullon Vocal
Francia Fernandez Asesora
Juan Valerio Asesor
Marcelino Andujar Asesor
Osiris Ruiz Asesor
German Pena Asesor
Yarlennys Villamán Asesora
Pascual Mota Asesor
-------- Asesor
Raquel Duvergé Asesora
-------- Asesor

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